There are 17 Chile sector brands, ChilePork being one of the main ones, with a campaign to promote Chilean pork in Asian markets that has helped the sector become the fourth largest food exporting industry. Pork represents 42% of Chile’s total meat exports.

Since its launch in 2011, the Chilean Exports Promotion Bureau (ProChile) Sector Brands Program has become an essential tool to promote Chilean exports. After 15 years, the positive results show that a country brand helps boost exports and position products of Chilean origin.

The milestone was celebrated on November 16 at Santiago’s Renaissance Hotel, with the presence of ProChile’s General Director, Ignacio Fernández, other public officials, and private sector representatives.

ChilePork has carried out a remarkable campaign to promote Chilean pork in Asia, which is now widely recognized by public officials, importers, news outlets, and consumers in relevant markets like China, South Korea, Japan, and the Philippines. This has helped the sector become the fourth largest food exporting industry, with pork representing 42% of total meat exports.

“The Sector Brands Program promotes collaboration within different industries and their differentiation creates economies of scale that boost the internationalization of Chilean SMEs, and brand recall and recognition among international buyers,” Ignacio Fernández pointed out.

Juan Carlos Domínguez added: “We are proud to be part of this program, which has consistently contributed to Chile’s economic growth by increasing exports of products and services and also positioning these brands, which are increasingly recognized and recalled by international buyers and consumers from various countries. This success is a clear example of how collaboration and differentiation as a sector brand can have a positive impact on the internationalization of Chilean companies and the promotion of our high-quality products abroad. ChileCarne is committed to keep working with ProChile and other strategic partners to promote Chilean pork and keep cementing its position in the global market.”

In the past 15 years, the Sector Brands Program has created 27 brands together with the private sector, implementing 90 projects around the world for a total value of 50 billion CLP (around 57 million USD), of which 52% was contributed by the public sector.

The Program’s team provides support throughout the various phases of a project, like brand development and conceptualization, or action plan implementation. This is supported by an institutional framework approved by Chile’s Comptroller General and an Advisory Council with representatives from the public and private sector.

Currently, there are 17 active brands: Chile Milk, Sísmica Chile (visual arts), Shoot in Chile, CinemaChile, Learn Chile, Ch1l3 a digital country, Chiledoc, Salmón de Chile, Patagonia Mussel, Merluza Austral Chile (Southern hake), Cherries from Chile, Fruits from Chile, Wines of Chile, Espumante Chile (sparkling wine), ChilePork, Chile Olive Oil y Chilemúsica.

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