From June 19 to 23, a major public-private mission brought together 14 representatives of Chilean trade associations on a trip to India to promote new opportunities for various Chilean sectors. The meetings will help strengthen the country’s strategy to enter the Indian market.

The mission was organized by the public and private sector, headed by the general director of ProChile (the Chilean Exports Promotion Bureau), Ignacio Fernández; the international director of the Chilean Federation of Industry (SOFOFA), Diego Torres; and the president of the Chile-India Business Council, Germán Ilabaca.

The goal was to promote products of Chilean origin in the Indian market and strengthen relations with officials, counterpart associations, and the business community. The delegation was made up of 14 representatives of Chilean trade associations from the fresh fruit, dried fruits, meat and wine sectors, who attended meetings and events to promote their products in India’s largest cities.

John Lüer, Agrosuper’s International Sales Manager and director of ChileCarne celebrated the opportunity and highlighted that “India is quite an interesting market, and that is why we would like to position Chile as a country that produces high-quality food thanks to our high standards in animal health, biosecurity, quality, and food safety.” Lüer added that “ChileCarne has the challenge of going beyond our buyers to approach and captivate the end consumer and to strengthen our position in international markets, particularly in Asia.”

India is still a growing destination for Chilean non-copper exports, which grew from 343 million USD in 2018 to 400 million in 2022, a 4.25% increase compared to 2021. Exports to India represent 1.8% of total Chilean exports of non-copper goods