[:en]Ten years of celebrating the Feast Costumbrista of Chancho Muerto, (Dead Pig) the most important of its kind in Chile. This festival has been characterized by a deep social sense that have rooted in the customs of the Chilean countryside, identifying the hundreds and thousands of people who come every year to pay tribute to the Chilean culture and its people. Its name evokes one of the most traditional rites of the Chilean countryside: the slaughter of pigs. Custom of the central area of the country that brought together family and friends, who in the midst of a festive atmosphere, prepared the most diverse products derived from pork, in order to survive the cold winter months.

General Manager Coexca S.A., Guillermo Garcia, expressed that the participation of the company since the beginning of this traditional festival of Chancho Muerto reflects the commitment the company has with the society and the deepest traditions of Chile. “We have already said it in plenty of other occasions and we reaffirm it on the tenth anniversary of this Fiesta Costumbrista: we have an unwavering commitment to society, in various fields and with its traditions. We are very pleased to be co-organizers of this event since its inception, which has become one of the major events of the winter in Chile”, he said.

The event gathers year after year more than 200 thousand people who come from different districts and places of the Maule Region, within the country and abroad. It also considers the participation of more than fifty famous national and foreign chefs, about 350 kitchen assistants, and the presence of restaurants, the traditional handicraft market and Maule products, which represents a tremendous showcase in Chile and the World.

This is what the Executive President of ChileCarne considers, who valued this event as a demonstration of the closeness that the Community has with the Swine Industry in regions and as an example of the quality, versatility, and productive level that Chile has achieved in recent years. This type of activities contributes to extend the publicity and extreme good quality, plus the different attributes of Chilean pork, that is why ChileCarne through its brand ChilePork makes similar events in Asia every year with great success, making Chilean pork recognized in China, South Korea and Japan for their attributes and for the confidence generated by the country’s quality systems.

Source: ChileCarne[:]