The president of ChileCarne, Juan Carlos Domínguez, held two important meetings with newly appointed government officials: the Undersecretary for International Economic Affairs, Claudia Sanhueza, and the Undersecretary of Agriculture, Ignacia Fernández.

The meeting with Undersecretary Sanhueza focused on the challenges faced by the white meat industry and the importance of public-private collaboration to enter new international markets. ChileCarne’s goal is to expand its presence abroad and promote the quality of its products.

The meeting with Undersecretary Fernández highlighted the importance of working in coordination with the Office of Agricultural Research and Policies (ODEPA) and the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG). ChileCarne, which brings together the country’s main white meat producers, works with both public agencies to ensure the quality and safety of the products offered in the domestic  and international markets.

Juan Carlos Domínguez was pleased with both meetings, stressing the need to collaborate with government agencies to promote the industry. “Working together is key to keep growing and consolidate Chile as a leading global producer of quality meat,” he concluded.